
Monday, June 6, 2011

All I Wish for... Comes true...!!!!

Whatever I wish for comes true….

When I was a kid… that’s what I thought… The day I didn’t do my maths homework, the teacher was absent… if not…. she didn’t ask for it…

I remember… at times, I was in no mood of attending a particular lecture…. And wished that the teacher was absent.. and oh yes.. she was!!!

During exams… if I was scared of a particular paper… it used to be the easiest exam I could get…

If there was a specific event and I dint want rain to spoil it… or if there was something good on TV and I did not want the current (electricity) to vanish… my wish would be granted….

Then I came up with an idea that defines the grant of these wishes…. I thought that I was a good kid, so God gave me a kota of wishes everyday… as long as I dint hurt anyone or my wish is not selfish, it will be granted…. (you are not supposed to laugh on this!!)

But then, I heard about this book.. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne… it says that anything that you believe with all your mind and soul tends to happen…. (btw.... i have just heard of it... havent read it... yet!!) Ofcourse when heard about it earlier, I thought that this practice, even if true would be very difficult… how can you desire for something and get it just by believing in that desire….

Then… just like that, I started observing the truth in this fact… now when my wishes come true… I just have to think deep down, and i feel that I always knew… that the wish will be fulfilled… somehow that internal mind of mine had accepted that fact and also prepared for it, even without me knowing the cause… let  alone supporting it.

When I said that I wish my teacher is absent… my mind prepared its self for the absence of the teacher… and that happened…. When I wanted an easy paper… I just accepted the fact and it happened… I didn’t have to think about it…

I cant help but go back to the dialogue of the Shah Rukh Khan starter Om Shanti Om… that if you want something desperately.. the entire universe will work towards helping you achieve it…. The key word here is desperation… to create that kind of desperation from within requires effort…

Since then.. I have been trying to do this on purpose.. tried to accept a fact to create desperation for it… believe me its not that easy… when you want to accept something on purpose… there is this internal voice that pops up and starts shouting… all negativity's gets filled up… like when u are told that you cannot have something, the craving of it increases even more… similarly when you desperately want to tell your mind to shut up… it will come up with a thousand things all at the same time….then to quieten them and to make a resolve of your wish requires a lot of patience and even more.. will power…!!!

The observation with this exercise…. It definitely works…. Whenever I have truly believed in something… the results have been positive… ALWAYS!!!

It wouldn’t hurt to think about it… to think about all those things that you wanted and have somehow ended up having it… think about it… I am sure just like me you will figure…. You always knew that you will get it….

Its worth a try… if….

Everything you wish for… comes true…!!

1 comment:

Raunak said...

lovely!!!....and its so true!!!....